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How Is Asbo?

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Psybbo | 20:55 Tue 20th May 2014 | ChatterBank
75 Answers
Barmaid, lovely to see you posting again xx


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Hi Psybbo. Needed some time out to sort one or two personal issues and get a new business up and running. ASBO WAS lovely. Until this morning, when I caught him walking out of the spare room window, along the jasmine to raid the blackbird's nest. Mummy blackbird was awfully brave and angrily dive bombed him into retreat whilst I stood and screamed like a loon....
21:00 Tue 20th May 2014
you have an iron?
lol. Allegedly.
Just a tad...but I'm sure you know MrsO has been fighting a world war.... ending with a two for one offer during her latest stay in hospital.
Nice to hear that Nox still looks in....he'll be happy to know she's on the mend I'm
What's happened with Mrs O? Is she OK?
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Updates when you can gness, really worried about her xx
She hasn't posted recently (Mrs O). Is she ok? Good to see you back, too, kva:-)
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More bits removed than should have been, Barmaid, she should talk to you!
Jeez!!!! Poor lady. (Although I wouldnt have wanted to be her surgeon when she realised). I'm speechless. If you do speak, wish her all the best from me.
Very poorly, Barmaid.....lots of surgery and long stays in IC or HDI....says MrO reckons she's leaving him by stealth....He'll wake up one day with just her head on the pillow....☺

Went into hospital...again... for removal of another body part on her birthday earlier this month and her spleen was ruptured by mistake and had to be removed too....
She has posted but recovery takes ages doesn't it....and she's a bit of a b for getting back on her feet too soon....usually to do something for someone else!!
And some of us moan about minor aches and pains....not of course that grommets are minor....whatever Sqad would have you believe!!! ☺

'Tis nice to natter with you again...xx
Or "no big deal"?!!!!

That sounds truly awful. But..... she is a fighter. (Although I do see Mr O's point). Honestly, you bog off for a couple of months to sort your life out and people die or leave here bit by bit!!!!!!!! Best not leave again then, eh?!
so nice to see two lovely ladies return, love to nox.
Evening BM - nice to see you again - I have a big shiny new bike for when you fancy some excitement :)
Ahhh so now we know how to keep Barmaid here....okay folks.....we're taking it in turns to have ills and traumas to keep her posting...

I've done the ears..or eyes...whichever....who's next? xx
Hi BM, what is left of me is delighted to see you back! Good luck with the new business venture xx
i hope you feel better today mrs o .

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