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Fao Gness

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mrs_overall | 07:27 Wed 12th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
This morning I am raising a cup of tea (I'll raise something stronger later) as a birthday toast to the late Mr G, Grandad G and Stepson G.
Thinking of you today xx


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here, here tea cup raised.
...and the coffee cup raised here too. xx
i've got a glass of water and it's raised as well. xx take care.
Me too Gness! Cuppa raised heavenward ;)
I raise too

They arent all dead are they - or do they have brithdays on the same day ?

keep well yourself ...
Also thinking of you. My morning Cuppa raised in the general direction of south...
Cheers Gness, happy memories and a few tears, hugs
Thinking of you too Mrs O - hope you are keeping well and enjoying the lovely sunshine on the coast - or is it all sea fog?
I'll raise my coffee. Hope your day goes okay.
MrsO....thank you for that......xx

And for all your toasts.....thank you.....when he was dying MrG said he was comforted a little by knowing I had lovely friends.....I do....♥
excuse me mrs o. G I was 'away ' yesterday, did you attend A&E. re deafness ?
Don't know the story, but it sounds like today is a terrible sad day for you gness?

My thoughts are with you xxx
Well I hope you've brought a note from you Mum, Anne!

Er...not quite but I am working on it....x
get to A&E now,,,,,,,,,,,,,please.
Like B00, I don't know the story either - but it's clearly a painful day for you, Gness. Much love. x
Big hugs, Gness xx
Happy Memories, gness, and a glass to be raised or three.....dtc x
Thank you...I shall toast you all too.....Mmmm..In for a toasty evening...☺

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