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The Men Have Found My Wedding Ring!

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boxtops | 12:18 Mon 03rd Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
O frabjous day, etc....

The workmen moved in this morning, had to lift some dodgy floorboards, and there amongst all the grot, they found my wedding ring!

I am thrilled - otherwise it would have been sealed up forever, once they've finished.

Hurrah for the men!


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Lost one wedding ring in the sea. Very cold day! Another in my daughter's garden, knew pruning was a mistake.
I have a friend who goes diving for gold. They have thousands of pounds worth of jewellery lost in the sea. It's all registered and valued.
Rejoice: it was lost, and is found.@Luke 15:23-4.

well OK he was lost and is found - prodigal son
I always thought it was the widow mite

but anyway Rejoice
Hey, your very lucky boxtops.

50? yrs ago, my brother and wife lived with my mum when first married.
Eventually had a lovely big row, ring thrown out of the back bedroom window, so was lost and never found untill we emptied house in 1996 after mum and dad died, and hey presto, found the tiny little gold ring in the garden shed at bottom of the garden. lol
Brilliant result, well done those men.

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