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Spacestation Sighting Over The Uk This Evening

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wendilla | 18:14 Thu 13th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
1st sighting 5 45 pm for 5 mins SSW departing E

2nd sighting 7 21pm for 2 mins WSW departing SW

Clear sky at the moment .



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Thanks wendilla

Thanks, might just be in luck tonight, N/Kent.
Question Author
Thu Feb 13, 5:45 PM 5 min 33° 17 above SSW 10 above E
Thu Feb 13, 7:21 PM 2 min 66° 22 above WSW 66 above SW
Fri Feb 14, 6:33 PM 3 min 64° 27 above WSW 25 above E
Fri Feb 14, 8:09 PM < 1 min 22° 18 above W 22 above W
Sat Feb 15, 5:45 PM 4 min 53° 31 above SW 11 above E Sat Feb 15, 7:21 PM 2 min 75° 27 above W 75 above S
Thanks Wendilla. The ISS pass at 1920 this evening will be the same magnitude as Jupiter. Well worth seeing.
Iridium Flares are well worth looking for. Predictions can be found on the Heavens Above website.
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Thanks for that Teddio
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That was a nice view .
Yeh!!! Absolutely spot on time! Good sighting.
have realised tonight that i can see better with my glasses off--time for specsavers, lol Thanks Wendilla
Drat! Cloudy!

Just been freezing me bits off, but well worth it, great view
and first one this year for us.
I went out in the garden as our skies are really clear tonight, but SSW is really low for our field of vision, tomorrow might be better as it's a WSW trajectory - but I'm not optimistic of clear skies tomorrow!
Cloudy, didn't see a thing ! The 1923 sighting should have been spectacular, with the ISS entering the Earth's shadow and being eclipsed.
When this happens the ISS should fade over a few seconds, becoming red in the process. At the same time, astronauts on the ISS would see the Sun rapidly fall below the Earth's horizon accompanied by a red sunset.
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Nothing here either. Clouded over for second sighting .

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Spacestation Sighting Over The Uk This Evening

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