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Silent Man

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Colortec | 23:02 Wed 08th Mar 2006 | People & Places
7 Answers
Does anyone remember the silent man found wandering the streets last year. The authorities discovered he was a dab hand at playing the piano. What happened to him?


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he wasnt that good at the piano - apparently one of the junior staff said he was of concert quality - and they found out where he was from.

The fella himself fell into to the broad catgegory of complete global amnesia which does not last that long (a few weeks)

i think they found him to be an asylum seeker and he was deported
I think they decided he was a German guy who had gone missing, and, as endearing as it was he was no concert pianist
i think he was found to be an asylum seeker and deported

Have a look at some of these BBC links on the subject.

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Thanks all.
It was an Austrian guy who used to play in the parisian metro (not the piano). His family who lives in an austrian farm hadn't realised there was such a commotion until somebody in the neighbourhood went on holiday and saw his face. All came to light and he went back home but I'm sure he'll be somewhere else now!!

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Silent Man

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