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Update On Rescued Border Collie

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hope3fully | 18:20 Tue 26th Nov 2013 | Pets
9 Answers
four weeks ago i asked for help regarding the training of a dog that had no knowledge of life in a house and all that that entailed. I was so pleased by the number of people who found time to pass their own experiences on and give me the benefit of their knowledge.Many thanks to you all. The border collie has now settled in well . She no longer goes to the toilet in the house. She has indeed ,as some of you pointed out, her own distinctive personality,which is continuing to develop. All in all, the rehoming has been a success and I can hardly remember what life was like before she came.


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Remember they are super inntelligent dogs as far as dogs go
and I am pretty sure, like being trained

{hence once she realised where the door was, would go outside ]

and well done
I am glad that it is working out. I adopted a 5 year old dog some years back and it would be fair to say that he had 'issues'. I never regretted adopting as he was a lovely dog - he just didn't like people very much, (apart from me of course).

Best wishes
Yay for you and the Pup!! I am so glad the story has a happy ending.
So pleased to hear this, hope things keep going well - I am taking two rescue dogs to their new homes this weekend so hope we have as much success with them.
Glad to hear things are working out so well.Back in the 60's my elder sister and BiL were persuaded to take on a GSD bitch that a friend had rescued just thinking about the condition she was in still upsets me but we persevered and ended up with one of the best dogs we've ever had in the family and a love affair with GSD's that's lasted life time.
So pleased it is all working out well. It took me about 4-6 weeks to settle my dog in when we rescued him but now I would not be without him. It is a big upheaval in their life so lots of love and cuddles and understanding along with training works wonders. Well done.
Hooray! Have you had a bc before? If not, you are in for a lot of fun. They are the most intelligent breed, bar none, but with that goes endless curiosity and a need not to get bored. Even old ones still have that. I always say that they are not dogs, but bright children in a dog's skin. To give you a clue, I once asked a demonstration handler at Cruft's "It must be a pleasure having one to train because they learn so quickly" and got the reply "Not quite. He writes his own script. If he makes a mistake in the routine and it gets a laugh, he does it next time, but on purpose !" That is what they are like. Have fun!
I missed this but wanted to say, well done and enjoy your new companion. Fantastic news.
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Thank you all so much for your advice and encouragement. Yes, I did have a border collie who was so bored when I went to work he had to take up various hobbies which included plant exploration, knitting and carpet rolling! I discouraged this by investing in a device which turned on the! television several times a day. He licked the screen when he saw pretty girls and barked at men with beards! He was my pride and joy. Funnily enough yesterday I saw the new girl looking at the television. Maybe his legacy will live on!

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