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doctordolittle | 19:54 Sun 24th Nov 2013 | Crosswords
5 Answers
Jokes about start of game recalled marker for players (5) SE___
Discuss cancelling accepted allowance (4) T__T
Restaurant chain that is not one opening in Exeter (8) _R__ERIE
Friday: near rocks around right slope - a curious light (13, 2 words) F__AR_L__T_R_
Screen chemical appliance not very robust, initially (6) __I_E_
Reject articles on strangeness in match (8) _T__T_SE
Wartime nurses involved in most of adjacent state (6) _____A
Training exercises adopted by expert cricketer (6) _____R


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friars lantern

(not many more clues left in the crossword)
Friar lantern
Question Author
I had done the other 30!!

How did you derive athetise?
strange "ness" ie head = s, in tie, after a , the
ATHETISE = reject

articles = A THE
strangeness in match = put S inside TIE

S is a quantum number for strangeness

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