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Went To Todmorden Yesterday

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DJHawkes | 23:06 Sun 03rd Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
It was snowing, sleating, thundering and lightening all at the same time, they do things differently in tod.


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Wheres Todmorden, dot ?.
Oop North T, near 'Uddersfield.
Question Author
where my grandparents are buried and Geoff Love was born tony
Question Author
it's no where near huddersfield! it's near hebden bridge and mytholmroyd, (where I was born)
Ah right, thanks shoota. I sort of knew it would be oop North somewhere.
Geoff Love was born tony

Wasn't he a singer, dot ?.
Or did he have a band ?.
It's not that far from Udders Dot.
18.5 miles according to the AA.
My daughter will be back in Tod tomorrow, she works at Todmorden high school.
There has been a great deal of regeneration activity and Todmorden is now increasingly a commuter town for people working in Manchester, Leeds, Bradford, Huddersfield and smaller towns.
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Tod has a high school? My mum went to Castle Hill and they lived up at Cross Stone, my grandmother lived at Durn before she married (golf course then and now! ) and grandad lived at cross gap farm on cross stone road.
I used to go boozing near Tod when I lived in Udders. Can't remember the name of the pub tho. Stayed open late because it served pie and peas and had a restaurant licence.
I was evacuated to Mythomroyd during the war. Believe it or not but I lost my Yorkshire accent while I was there.I was placed with a quite wealthy family.
It soon returned when I went back home.
I must have missed that Dot, we went through there yesrday through the road works to Riggs Garden Centre, it was Wet but Snow?? have you been on the wine?
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TWR the traffic through there was ridiculous on Saturday afternoon, it was thundering and lightening and sleating and snowing between 4.15 and 5.35 whilst we sat in my cousin's car waiting for the AA man to get from Halifax to us, we were on the Burnley road just past cross lea road. I'd broken down on the way in saturday morning , the car just cut out. I managed to pull up in the driveway of a house and the man came out to help. Turns out he had the same surname as the cousin i was meeting and this chaps dad and my cousin were at the same school. bizarre!

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