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Has anyone got any personal experience of Cauda Equina Back Pain?

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squirtle | 13:28 Thu 29th May 2008 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
I have recently had an MRI scan with the possibility of having Cauda Equina where the nerve at the base of the spine is affected, thus can cause problems with lower limbs and bowel/bladder problems.

The scan was to see to what extent the nerves are being damaged.

Does anyone out there know anything about it as in what treatments were offered and how they worked (if they worked) etc etc



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Cauda equina is not a disease, it is the lower part of the spinal cord with many nerve roots not disimilar to a horse's tail hence "cauda equina" But there is a disorder called Cauda Equina Syndrome which I know little or nothing about, but try: -
Paste into Google search and I bet there are a lot of websites. Good luck
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Thats what i meant ' syndrome'........i have read various information on it on the net but was after some real experiences.............

Thanks anyhow for replying.
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Has anyone got any personal experience of Cauda Equina Back Pain?

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