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Another Warm Day

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Georgiesmum | 09:50 Sun 30th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Its going to be another warm day again today. The forecast says its going to be 25 degrees today and its already 21 degrees. Time to get those ice cubes made!


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I'm a night worker - I'll be asleep during the supposed nice weather, although its a bit dull here at the moment in Hampshire.
Quite nice here as well in the West Mids, a roof down day by the looks of it so far.
Lovely day here too in romford essex. Nice clear warm day so far.
Have a good day everyone x
Overcast currently here in East Lancashire, I hope it clears up I do love the sunshine.
It was roasting by 7am.
I'm off out shopping, might treat myself to a gelato if it stays nice (and the stall is still there). :c)
If there's one thing i love about not drinking too much on saturday it's waking up on sunday without a hangover and that's no mean feat as i went to pride festival yesterday and came back really early as today is PICNIC IN THE PARK! VAUXHALL SPRING GARDENS! Be there or be square! And today believe you me there will be drinking, plenty of drinking ! I'll be meeting a few queens as well as lesbian friends who are coming in from the states, australia and all over europe and there will be mayhem so lock up your sons (And daughters)

I'm wearing the most outrageous of outfits and there will be sequins, feathers, pvc, leather and latex all over the place, darlings it's going to be absolutely FABULOUS and at the end of the evening guess what they'll be screening? Yes you guessed it, the best movie EVER "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert'"

Are any of you going? Anyway i have to love you all and leave you as it's going to take an age to put my makeup on (Think Futuristic goth meets the 70's) and squeeze myself into my outfit.

Have a great day everyone and if you can make it, here's the details.

Now where's my cocktail shaker and an obscene amount of fruit, ice, little umbrellas and vodka when you need it :)
Post some pics when youv'e errrrrrrrm finished getting ready then, Vagasqueen.

a lovely morning here in cambridgeshire
Almost ready and this has to be some kind of record! I've a few of the ladies around and the music is pumping and the joint is jumping, trust me when i say my carpet's already full of glitter, fag ash and tequila slammer stains and someone WILL be cleaning that i'm i'm looking in the direction of my good friend reggie "ru-paul" We'll be leaving soon and darling tony if you want pics make sure you're wearing loose trousers, an open collar to let out the steam and multiple fans around your computer to stop it melting! Ooh we're in a naughty mood today!
LOL ^^^^^^^
And what a lovely day it turned out to be in Ireland. Drizzle in the morning when I took the hound out to get the papers, came back with a soggy doggy, but after the dinner it brightened up nicely.
Other way round here, spikey - lovely in the morning, cooler this evening, but good promised again tomorrow.

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