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Fao Excel.....

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fredkins | 02:39 Fri 08th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Hi there excel,I have not heard from you for a while,just hope you are keeping well and all Is going fine for you.


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I think he's on a 4:30am start today fredkins - so probably asleep right now
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Thankyou sunny-dave, I appreciate you telling me this.
good afternoon fredkins

(thanks dave, for that response)

fredkins, is is very agreeable to see you, it has indeed been quite a while

here's hoping that we are both on here at the same time over the weekend, and we can catch up

my gratitude to you for asking after me
Are you out there Fredkins?
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Hi excel again. I hope you are well.We have not talked for a while,how are things with you and what has been happening,I have missed our chats maybe It Is because It Is so open to the public now,where It was not when It was In your Avatar Thread.xxxxxx
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Hi Ed why has my answer to a thread posted about 3 weeks ago not come up on the latest post column.?

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Do you know the answer?

Fao Excel.....

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