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Att Woofgang

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Answerprancer | 03:18 Sat 09th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I was thinking about your response to a post I made recently.
Why exactly do you "despise" people who use the term "sheeple"?


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sheeple ?
Perhaps because it is a stupid word that does'nt actually mean anything?
OH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't quite see why that's insulting or offensive. Isn't it aimed at the government who,after all, are fair game.
Svejk, it really depends on the context in which it is used,
I can't say I've ever heard of it before. Is it one of those newly made up words?
I don't see it as particularly offensive - it's not different to calling folk lemmings.....and I have my sheep origins re my avatar too (no I am not Welsh)!
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Ok, my understanding of the term is this: it refers to people who follow societal 'norms' like sheep, never questioning anything and simply giving in to conformity. If I've taken it out of context and it specifically means something else please let me know. If however I've got it right then perhaps anyone who finds it offensive or "despises" people who use the term have a chip on their shoulder.
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Looks like I was right, this is from Wikipedia:

"Sheeple (a portmanteau of "sheep" and "people") is a term in which people are likened to sheep, a herd animal. The term is used to describe those who voluntarily acquiesce to a suggestion without critical analysis or research. They undermine their own individuality and may willingly give up their rights".

Perhaps Mr Woof "despises" people who use the term because he is resentful of their free spiritedness. Until he actually answers my question, I can only speculate.
I believe Wikipedia should update their definition because from what I have observed on the internet it is most commonly used as a perjorative and means "Anyone who doesn't believe my conspiracy theory"
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...good job I didn't mean it that way then Chrisgel.
Love the word sheeple, and use it fairly often.

I often think of it when reading the 'news' section on AB... specifically when it comes to the government and it's 'anti-terror' AGENDA! :)))
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^ :-)

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