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Childhood Games

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flump1 | 23:18 Thu 24th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Pictures of string wound around fingers and thumbs making ' cat's cradle' have reminded me of another game us girls played and I can't remember what we called it.
Two girls stood facing each other a few feet apart and there was a string round their lankles which the other players jumped in and out of and the string went higher as progress was made.
Now that is a whole load of babble but can anybody relate to it ? And tell me what on earth we called it ?


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we called that French skipping and the string was made from elastic bands joined together
yes, french skipping here too
and we used to start it "england ireland scotland wales"
French skipping.
Question Author
After that typo I am surprised you knew what I meant...thank you, yes I remember the elastic bands.
Yes, that was French skipping.
Lol bednobs...inside outside inside tread.
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Thanks bednobs and Ummmm , french skipping it is .
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Cheers JJ.
our was inside outside inside on
Here you go
Is that French/Chinese skipping then Hoppy?
we played that in the 60s,but we called it german was one long piece of elastic(as used in clothing),which was round the ankles of each opposite person. you would jump in between the lines of elastic,then jump onto each line with your left and right foot at the same time. you then had to use your right foot to lift the left piece of elastic over to the right side and hold it there. and then use your left foot to do the same thing. when you were then left standing with both feet on the crossed over pieces of elastic,you had to jump in the air and land back within the bounds of the elastic as you landed,without actually treading on it. always easy with the initial ankle stance,but,as you moved the elastic up the leg,it became much more difficult!! brilliant game though and those playground games kept us very fit!
does anyone remember playing chinese tangles?
^^^^^ No but I remember Chinese burns:-(
I hope you weren't the school bully, missprim!
Chinese tangles= you all stood in a circle holding hands and without letting go
you went under other peoples arms and legs and then someone had to untangle you without releasing your hands.
very briefly as a child,at my 6th or 5th birthday party,when someone brought along a relative,who was there on a summer visit, was informed about glaswegian fud bud torture,which i think is the same as miss prim's chinese burns...nasty stuff!!
We called it Chinese Ropes.

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