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Is It Just Me Or.......

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missprim | 14:31 Fri 18th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
do others feel deflated when they have given good answers to questions but get no thanks?
I know we shouldn't expect to be thanked but I sometimes might go to a bit of trouble to find an answer for someone but because they don't respond, I don't even know if they've even come back to look at the answer.


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Have to get on with some work now so just wanted to say thanks to all who joined on and please feel free to Carry on Ranting!
I'm peed off that I don't know whether or not lumination saw my answer. He hasn't logged in since Wednesday.
miss prim i have been one of the many people you have kindly helped with the northern echo quiz your self and numerous other people have been very helpfull i would like to think i had been curtious to everyone and thanked them
if i haven't i appolgise because if it wasn't for the help given on here we would all have a good few answers less.
what niggles me is some people looking for answers do not help others seeking the same answer when the answer is provided on their thread on here
i think if your asking for help you should give a bit rant over
thank you everyone for your help i sure i'll need it again next year when i grind to a help
I don't even check on most of my answers given unless it is an important (health) one, or perhaps in a debate type question.
sorry miss prim i posted more or less the same thing twice as i thought the first one i posted had vanished there must have been a lot of postings at the same time and it finished on page 2.
i was just a bit embarrassed if you thought i was one of the ones who took your help for granted as i was taught many many moons ago to have good manners and to treat as you like to be treat .
you have been very helpfull and curtious and i thank you and the others for your help
I like to help on AB and don't mind too much if no thanks are given.Saying that most ABers do respond and appreciate any help given.I agree with Tilly2 re asking for clarification and getting no response-this happens fairly often.
sunny-dave,re thanks in heaven ,don't mind waiting a long time for that!
What Cazzy said goes for me too.

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