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Do You Know Of A Website Where You Can......

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missprim | 18:36 Mon 21st Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
type something in and then press a button and it will translate your sentence to one in another language?
Just in case there isn't, if you speak Spanish, could you translate this for me please?
'That's a shame' or 'What a pity'.
Many thanks.


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what a pity...Que lastima
There are dozens of sites such as this but beware they don't always get the grammar and syntax coorect
google translate is ok and so is paralink. However, they are far from perfect.
Question Author
Thanks for your answers. I find it very confusing as I have never tried to learn another language and I'm sure sandyRoe is right but using some of the other links, pity comes up as piedad. Is it important to get those little squiggle marks on top of the words as I haven't a clue how to do those.
You should be able to cut and paste the words as they are written with accents etc.
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Thanks grasscarp I never thought of that.
Also in word documents to find letters with accents on them go to drop down menu Insert, symbol - and look for what you want.
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Think I'll stick to copy and paste as that seems to work. I never did manage to work out how to use all the options in Word.
That's a shame! = '¡Es un lastima!

To use the results of Google Translation directly, right click on the required text and select 'Copy'. Go to the document (or web page) where you want it to appear, right-click and select 'Paste'.

To type unusual characters yourself, check that the number lock on your keyboard is on. (It's normally on by default. Pressing 'Num Lock' toggles it off and on, with a light to tell you when it's on). Hold down the Alt key and then (using the keypad, not the numbered keys at the top of the keyboard) type the relevant numbers from this list:
When you release the Aly key, your text will appear.

Alternatively use the Windows Character Map. (Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Character Map). Double-click on each character you want to copy (or single-click and click 'Select'). When your desired text is shown, click 'Copy'. Then go to where you want the characters to appear, right-click and select 'Paste'.

Google Chrome has it
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Chris you should know me by now, things like this just swoosh over my head although I do know how to copy and paste.
I tried your first suggestion. Num lock was already on as you said.pressed Alt and 4 as this should have given me a little heart that I've seen on here but all I get is a ting noise from my computer and nothing else.

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