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Heartwarming Story - Remember Josie Russell?

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LazyGun | 13:40 Sat 12th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Survivor of an attack that killed sister and mother. I remember how awful I felt for her and her father at the time. Nice to see she has managed to put that behind her and get on with her life....


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Good for her, I remember her well. And doesn't she look like her Mum.
The very best of luck to her.
Like her work. What a stunning smile she has. Very pretty girl too.
Wouldn't her Mum be proud of both Josie and her Dad to have come through such a terrible experience so well.
Damn, need 'flash' to look at the gallery on that website and I'm on my iPad. Grrrr.
Lovely story. God pays his debts.!

This has nothing to do with god!!!!

This is a very brave girl who decided she was not going to be defined by one moment in time!
What a lovely, brave girl. :)
I remember it very well. So pleased that this young lady has managed to come through that awful period of her life and gone on to achieve so much.
Nice one Lazygun and well done Dad.
A very young, courageous girl. May she have a rewarding future.
Well done to Josie
good for her. People can survive terrible traumas.

However, I wouldn't like this to be an excuse for anyone to say "See, Jimmy Savile's victims [or whoever] should just pull themselves together and get on with their lives and stop demanding compensation", which does appear to be the way some people think. Some can put the past behind them, some cannot, and neither is the "right" reaction.

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