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Brrrrrr Just Took The Dog Out...

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mrsmaveric | 22:30 Thu 10th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
its freezing and foggy...


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I agree Mrsm I was frozen earlier today going to the shops. It's forecast snow at the weekend. Feel like stocking up the pantry and battening down the hatches for a couple of months.
I got a shock when I went to my car this morning I know that!
The windscreen was ok to sort but the side window wouldn't budge for ages. I was squeaking it to be on time for work.
Extra duvet on the bed tonight girls
It was freezing here but has oddly warmed up!
duhh duhh DUHHH!!!! It's gonna SNOW!
I really want a snow day - the kids would be so happy!

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