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DebsyDoo | 00:54 Sun 06th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Tried to answer a question I posted before, but had no "submit" button !
What gives ?


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Dunno debsy I haven't noticed anything odd.
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No, AYG, it's probably my equipment !
iPad/PC/Laptop/Phone - which is your current plaything?
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Ummm . . .
'fraid I'm a bit of a dinosaur SD -
My birds ate my BT line, so I'm working off a dongle (T-mobile) tried it on my new lappy, but it keeps locking it up - so put it in my old one, it's working - but strange things are happening, like no "submit" button (but if I click where it should be, it seems to work !!!???)
Cosmic Rays again I suspect - take two ibuprofen and monitor the situation

< but be aware that this advice is given by a slightly inebriated dave >

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No, not cosmic rays Dave, the problem was caused by two troublesome parakeets !

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