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Xmas Quiz With A Bird In Mind

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trixie11 | 22:36 Sun 30th Dec 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
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49) Simon and Garfunkel sang of it in 1970 (2,6,4)

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El Condor Pasa (please check spelling!)
49 el condor pasa
Good one. I only remember Bridge Over Troubled Water as BBC Top of the Pops showed me dancing over the soundtrack.
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Thank you so much
Really grasscarp! How did you sneak in, being so underage?
are you flick colby?
Thank you Captain! I was there at the same time as Pans People. I used to go there most weeks as my then boyfriend had a role in the production. I sometimes used to end up "in shot". When Bridge Over Troubled Water was top of the charts I watched it on tv and saw they had used my face projected over rolling waves. (True)

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