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Have You Had Any Unwanted/useless Presents This Year???

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mrsmaveric | 19:04 Wed 26th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
and more importantly what are you going to do with them so that you dont offend the buyer??..or dont you care about upsetting them??


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I'm afraid I did receive one present (ornament) which was so awful I threw it away with the Christmas wrappings! I couldn't even give it house room long enough to take it to the Charity Shop.
>>>Don't know what to say to them.

Perhaps, "Would you like a biscuit?"

Now guess which friend/relative will make an unexpected visit to your house soon and look for their lovingly-selected gift!
Thankfully Chris, the person who gave me the monstrosity won't be visiting. To be honest, whatever they were to give me would be unwanted. I don't buy for her and would be happy if she didn't buy for me. Its an odd situation.
One year my mil gave me a pair of pink Siamese cat ornaments Truly hideous . Before I could even gasp in delight or horror my daughter who was about three at the time grab one and knocked its head off. I just stood there in stunned silence. As it was mils fab grand child she was all never mind darling the other one just vanished one day

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