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Burglary Warning

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losgigs | 22:25 Sat 15th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Just a warning to everyone to be extra vigilant in the run up to Christmas when there are extra goodies and valuables in the house. Have just heard that my brother-in law's house in Harlow was burgled this week. His wife died a few months ago so this is the end of a really awful year for him. The low-life managed to jemmy open a double-glazed door and take cash and a small amount of jewellery. Yes, it was stupid to have cash in the house, but it happened. I hope the scum get caught.


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Tanks for the warning losgigs, what a terrible thing to go through at Christmas, especially after losing his wife. I too hope they get caught.
even thanks!!
I am sorry to hear about your Brother-in-law, I do hope they catch them.
what an awful year for your brother in law. Hope the police manage to catch the ones that broke into his house.
How awful for him. Good warning to some, like myself, who live alone.
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Yes, thanks for that. Unfortunately not much to go on as there were no fingerprints left - obviously a professional job. Take care. x
A Neighbourhood Watch Scheme can help put neighbours on their guard especially at times like this.

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