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Is This The Earliest Good Morning Thread Ever Or Not?.....

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fredkins | 02:43 Sat 08th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
206 Answers
Well hello to all of you still up this morning.


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Glad you had a good time gness, Moses wasn't he found floating on a river in a basket.
My Moses would need a jolly big basket. ;-)
Thats what I thought, gness.
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Hi there everyone,I've come back.The sun Is shining,looking out of the window It looks like a glorious sunny day in summer.But alas I do not think It Is going to last,more snow forecast for this weekend.How Is Everyone this morning good I hope.
Hi fred - rather grey down here....

I have to be off in a minute, the car parking Hitlers will be out shortly.....
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Hi and Bye DT have a good day whatever you are doing.x

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Is This The Earliest Good Morning Thread Ever Or Not?.....

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