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Does anyone know about types of fabric?

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bizzylizzy | 01:36 Wed 05th Dec 2012 | Home & Garden
19 Answers
Hi everyone - we're trying to source some similar fabric to that which was used to cover a sofa many moons ago. I would call the fabric fine needlecord or possibly corduroy. The problem is I can't seem to find any needlecord that's heavy enough for upholstery. The descriptions of the fabrics I've found usually say 'suitable for dressmaking'. So I wondered if there was another term I need to be looking for. Ridged fabric perhaps? We need three colours, orange, black and turquoise for an upholstery project and it's proving impossible to source. Can any kind soul help I wonder? Thank you.


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Have you looked at Repino fabrics?
>>>Have you looked at Repino fabrics?
Have you looked at the price!
Might the fabric be chenille?
Gurt moinds Chris
B. If you are going to cover a sofa don't you want a decent fabric?
The question says "We need three colours, orange, black and turquoise for an upholstery project". Assuming that the minimum purchase possible is 1 metre of each colour, that's £162 just for samples for a 'project'!
I take your point but if it's a serious project and you want it to look good and last then a good fabric is necessary. It's a lot of hard work to end up with a poor finish. Repino was just a suggestion from my experience to show there are corded fabrics available. A bit of research will find others that aren't dressmaking quality.
Night all XXXX
Night Shoota. x
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If you are in the baileywick, Emmanuel or Immanuel fabrics operates from a redundant chapel ion Bright Street n Burnley and has amazing fabrics from £1 a metre, mostly upholstery and curtain fabrics.
There has of course to be a drawback - it is only open Monday and Thursday.
But if coming from a distance it's worth using the visit as an occasion to stock up.
They only take cash but there's a cash machine nearby.
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Thanks for your help so far everyone. I'm afraid we can't afford the kind of prices at Repino. We're doing this ourselves to save money, also if we make a bloomer we don't want hundreds of pounds going down the drain. I know the number of raised lines to the inch is called 'Wale' count. But everything I've found so far has been described as dress fabric. To be honest I'm wondering whether to use dress fabric and just see what happens. Ahh well back tot he drawing board. Thank you for your help.
No don't use dress fabric, you'll be really disappointed when it loses its shape and wears quickly. I promise you it will be a waste of time and money and urge you to keep looking. Here's a couple more?
Question Author
Thank you Maidup. We've pretty much scoured the web including the two sites you kind posted. Seems odd but it's easy to get the fabric abroad, but I'm blowed if we can find it here. I think we may just have to try and find the three colours we need in another fabric, or our sofa will still be in its uncovered state next Christmas. Thank you. Merry Christmas.
Where are you located ? The markets in Birmingham have a huge range of fabrics - you can get velvets, sheetings, curtainings, dralons, chintzes, glamour fabrics, linens, or, as I suspect you need, elephant cord. I have just made some elephant cord fabric into a bed-cover. And the prices start from £1 - £2 per metre.
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Does anyone know about types of fabric?

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