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warning lamps in car

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joko | 21:25 Thu 15th Nov 2012 | Motoring
2 Answers
2 have lit up over the last few days.
they come on after ive been driving for about 5-10 mins

one is the Electronic Stability Program - (an exclamation mark in a triangle in a circle)

and the Glow Lamps one - ( a kind of squiggley wave)

can anyone tell me what these actually mean?
The manual tell me what what they are but its not that clear (to me)

I realise I need to see a mechanic asap but is it safe to use the car until I can get time to take it in - or is it totally urgent?

Its a VW passat, 2002 automatic, diesel.

(also I had to top up the oil about 3 months ago, and the other day I had to again - I havent ever had to top it up in the 3 years I have had it... I havent noticed any leakage... but then I havent really been looking)



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On a safety note Joko, get the car ECU checked ASAP. It will show up on the Cars Brain ( Coding) No probs using the car providing you check the levels, Oil / Radator/ daily when the engine is COLD>
'google' ESP for VW and it throws up loads pages, must a real common problem..

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warning lamps in car

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