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My apologies......

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fredkins | 03:10 Tue 30th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I have to make my apologies for saturday night, no-one upset me,I am not sure about what I mean't when I made that statement,and you all on the night know what I mean.I am so sorry just Ignore me.


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Forgotten fred, I had to hold back over a post tonight completely uncalled for
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Not my post I hope.owdhamer.
Like the avatar ,there's a little scotty bitch who guards the street,soft as owt really.
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Not sure what you mean owdhamer ? If you mean my avatar she is my old girl border terrier whom i love very much,she is 14 and my beauty,If you are talking about something else then I have got It wrong.
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I am off to bed now,see you all later goodnight
I was just saying as one dog lover to another there is a little white scotty who patrols the street at the back of our houses,she is all bark and sounds fearsome but soft sorry for any misunderstanding
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Okay owhamer I will let you off,you sound like a good person to me.
We all have our off days.

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My apologies......

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