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Well that went well.....

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EcclesCake | 14:20 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
I'm supposed to be working but needed a little distraction so went to prepare tonights dinner.

Peeled potato and parsnip and found the peely bin was full so ambled off to the garden to empty it onto the compost heap. Just about to turn corner and realise that there is a HUGE spider sitting on it's web blocking my way so plot an alternative route to compost.

After emptying peely bin rinse out the sludgy bottom with water from water butt, throw dirty water on veg patch. Veg patch must be very hard as there was an enormous splash back covering me up to my knees.

Come back into the house (treading dirt as I go) and strip off to my knickers int he utility room, get to the bottom of the stairs and the doorbell rings.

I now wonder if Gness and I are distantly related........


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Well Alba, I'd like to say that I'm wearing a fetching pair of lacy Rigby&Peller briefs but the truth of the matter is I'm wearing black harvesters.

The utility room is home to the washing machine hence me stripping off in there rather than treading dirt through the house......oh hang on that didn't work :-(
I know the feeling, of traipsing dirt through the house, that is.
Good ideas are wasted on me :-)
If you've got 4 cats, 3 chickens, 2 part time children and one Mr BM, you would know that "traipsing dirt all through the house" is the default position.
can't match that BM, but I can only offer one dog-like thing, 2 young albas and a Mr alba.
I tend to move the dust around a bit to give it a change of scenery.
Was it Quentin Crisp that never dusted ?
lol, don't talk about dust.

Mr BM once wrote in the dust on the TV shelf in the bedroom "Dust me please". In the dust underneath he got a two word response.

I once saw on here someone say "If you must write in the dust, please do not date it". Perfect.
I'm sure it was Boxy BM :-D
Mine tell me it's for writing in, the older one is studying graphics and art so I like to think the dust helped him on his way.
this thread is better than watching tv, lol at all of it.Sorry eccles should not laugh at others misfortunes.
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Oh well I might be only half way through my to-do list for today but at least I've gone some way to brightening someone's day!

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