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A tradegy for both parties or a depraved older man taking advantage of a slip of a girl?

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sandyRoe | 16:05 Mon 24th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
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I think it's safe to say he'll lose his job and never work with children again. Where was the girl supposed to have been all weekend, it all seems a bit vague.
sqad, first off being a teacher, second being married with a child or children, third running off with an impressionable child, 15 years are not always as mature as some might think. she may think herself in love with this man, but he has committed an offence, and hopefully when they come back he gets his just deserts. It may not be depraved, but on the other hand don't we condemn certain sections of our society who marry very young girls? sometimes against their wishes..
A 15 year old isn't that young these days but it is too young for a 30 year old. And especially one who is married and in such a position of trust.

But for the life of me I can't work out how both of them are so stupid that nobody would notice shed gone missing for a weekend (they had a return booked, I'm assuming they've decided not to come back since the news broke) and wouldn't start looking for her/them.
according to the news they are back here, or never left, not sure which.

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A tradegy for both parties or a depraved older man taking advantage of a slip of a girl?

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