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Are health fanatics

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McMouse | 14:50 Wed 12th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
going to feel stupid someday, lying in the hospitals, dying of nothing?


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they may that could be me if I carry on the way I am, being all healthy then suddenly dying of unknown heart issue at 54
one health fanatic i worked for once was a useless lump, couldn't lift a finger without damaging it.
em10,sounds like my step-son,who ,on his release,joined rugby training & @ 1st training ,pulled his hamstrings so gave up.he'd been an RAF hammer thrower
I'm far from a health fanatic, but I still like to participate in sport, even at my age. That's because I enjoy it, so I certainly won't be feeling silly. alright, football is a distant memory, but I play short tennis and run fairly regularly, although I hated running at school. I'm even thinking about playing veteran's rugby, but only as a one-off.

If I end up lying dying in hospital I doubt silliness is what I'll feel, more that I would want more time with those I love and respect. I won't by dying of "nothing".
From my experience of hospitals you won't stay healthy too long on hospital food....I'd have died of starvation if I had been in much longer....ate barely any of it...worse than the worst ready meals...Ugh!
Just my experience..some might love it?
I was in hospital last year ,for week,food not that bad
What a daft thing to say! The human body degenerates at some point but the healthier it is the longer it may be before it does so except for cases of cancer due to external factors such as traffic polution or cigarette smoke, etc. If a person keeps to a healthy weight and uses the muscles to maintain their strength they stand a chance of living a longer, more useful life rather than getting diabetic or heart disease. Even if someone is pre-disposed to such things as osteo-arthritis it will not be as severe if they're not carrying too much weight and their muscles are strong.
healthy people, those who follow a decent diet, don't drink, or smoke get cancer. Some people who do the opposite often live to a ripe old age.
very good!
(should have read other responses before commenting on the joke!)
Yes Em, I believe that's what I said, however it is a given that maintaining a healthy lifestyle helps to prevent diseases and should they occur, being otherwise healthy optimises recovery.
I used to play league lawn tennis, table tennis, squash, and used to go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week for about 20 years............I'm now crippled with arthritis.
I saw a copy of a local newspaper recently which publishes the obituaries. I was surprised to see how many people who would have been about my age if they'd lived were mentioned there. Some had died 10 or more years ago. Too much drinking, smoking, and not enough exercise does take its toll.
i played loads of sport as a youngster, hasn't stopped various illnesses, osteoarthritis being only one.
my experience is that it's all random, yes you can take care of yourself, eat the right foods, though who is to say what they might be, as some people have a low tolerance to certain promoted good foodstuffs.
Should have put: '...publishes the obituaries and the in memoriam notices...'
A lot of sports are really bad for the joints; if you were wanting to exercise purely for health reasons you would probably have chosen to swim! Keeping muscles strong through exercise is not the same thing as playing sports although adds to the enjoyment of life ;-)
i swim like a proverbial brick, sport is promoted as being good for you, but many who take up jogging, running, suffer later in life, i know..

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