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The Ode to the AB Badge

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DTCwordfan | 17:13 Tue 04th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
It was the Year 2012, September Four
Mark Spitz won his seventh Gold, forty years yore
Not four but seven badges the world didn’t ignore.
You, we ABers, wear your badges with such pride and I
Admire you unreservedly. I share
Your pride and yet your concern to serve. I care
About the principles you're standing by,
The AB causes you uphold so well. So why
This caution, this reluctance to declare
Myself as one committed, and to wear
Those badges that the dedicated ABers
Acolytes, Newscaster or Agoniser
These Badges come thick and thin,
Many without but several with two wins.
On our succulent profiles that now we display?
Am I weak, an ignoramus skulking down the way,
Of AB non-alignment, weak when you are strong?
Perhaps; but in my heart I'd rather stay
Where AB questions lie unanswered. I belong
Where I must debate with myself each day
Before I type, this possibility: I might be wrong.
An Olympic Gold, precious that is sure
An AB Badge, maybe, just maybe, that really is more.


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> I must debate with myself each day

A trap for the unwary orator?
17:25 Tue 04th Sep 2012
Brilliant DT.
Is that another exercise book completed? lol
LOL, you're determined to win your Bard's Badge, aren't you, DT? Although to be honest, you certainly deserve it.
Excellent, DT - the badge would go nicely with the flagon...
Very good DT, I like it. take no notice of overall lol.
But you have 2 badges DT xxx
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thanks all of you; you are right, you can't drink out of a badge, Maj.
Maj in a radge with no badge?

I'll get my coat
Just stopped in time Mrs V ...?
> I must debate with myself each day

A trap for the unwary orator?
Excellent DT.
Question Author
Exactly- we had that one with the "One Badge" thread and tony's award as a mass debator, that is why the line is included in the ode! Well spotted though, ellipsis.
You've a new coat, Mrs O? Why didn't you say so before?.. :-)
Nooooo was just a figure of speech, honest

<<<<locks wardrobe door>>>>>
Jingles set of master keys...
who is in the wardrobe with the magic coa?t of many colours
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sounds like a Sqadism, petal...
I see you have 2 badges DT (swanker! ;) but can't understand why you haven't got "Poet of the Year" badge!

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