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3 years in a row now i've kitted my grandson out with his school stationary

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dotty. | 20:43 Sun 02nd Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
another 30 odd quid, same as last year and even more the forst year, year 7. My kids all got a pencil case each, a pen a pencil rubber sharpener and maybe a ruler. what's with post-it notes, tippex, glue sticks, etc etc, does it make then cleverer to have to cart a load of stuff about all day?


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Getting back to your original theme; why does this need to be done every year? When I were a lad pencil cases were built to last.
I think it's all to do with the latest fad Howard - Peppa Pig, or Ben 10 Batman just whatever bandwagon seems to be rolling around - at least it was with Queenie
True - I got a nice swivel wood one when I was four and that lasted me through primary and beyond....
Queenie was into PeppaPig.................ngngngnhnghngh (sound for extended oink snort).
I remember in primary school the craze was to have those pencil cases where you had a bit to change the date, you pushed a wee button and up popped a pencil sharpener and another would open a wee drawer for your rubber. Piece of nonsense looking back
oh goodness no DT I cannot stand peppa pig and all that shebang!!! I had minnie mouse and bang on the door that was my thing lol
I think Hello Kitty might be nearer the mark DT (still is to a certain extent!)
Oh I remember, she was hugged by Minnie Mouse in a shopping mall and has never been quite the same.................
My great nephew was £100 short to renew his life saving cert at the locall baths were he works while studying,I dont mind but I have to give the other lad the same.

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3 years in a row now i've kitted my grandson out with his school stationary

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