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And I thought my fortunes had taken a turn for the better...

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sandyRoe | 14:13 Fri 24th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
When I got the e-mail this morning I could hardly believe my luck. But, it's not to be.


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Why do I never get these emails?
I know an altruistic Nigerian multi-millionaire I can pass your details to..........
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You have to admit the scammers are ingenious if nothing else.
bang goes taking out a contract on the neighbours then sandy...

just jealous I didn't get one really
This one I haven't had, but I have had plenty offering me money.
I get loads of these into my throwaway email account, but none in my main account.
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We can't all be lucky, Humber :-)
true, sandy :(

marvels at marvals new avatar, blimey

to do anthing in particular marval?
Anything goes humbersloop
I got one earlier this year proporting to be from the big winners at that time.
I got it at work and you should have heard the squeals of joy coming from me.
Luckily I calmed down and realised it was a scam just before I told my boss where to go!!!!
trouble is there are some very gullible people out there.
anyway sandy,is avarice a mortal sin, or just plain old venial? I always get so muddled up ;)
I like the sound of 'venial'................
craft, sounds like an anti social disease.
Question Author
Avarice is one of the 7 deadly sins.
The act that led to contracting a venereal disease could hardly be other than a mortal sin, not a venial one.

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And I thought my fortunes had taken a turn for the better...

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