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Olympics syncronised swimming

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Dee Sa | 12:03 Sat 11th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
I really enjoyed the above that was on yesterday, but as an older lady who isnt too clever on these matters , had all the lady articipants had a brazilian wax, if I ask this household they will all laugh at me.


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I'm not sure .... I will let you know when I have reviewed my recordings.
The burst mattress look is hardly conducive to winning a medal is it.
They might have tried lasers - no regrowth after a few treatments. Would hurt quite a bit though.
LoL @ snags ... I think they have all had at least a 'hitler'
The burst mattress look

You mean like men?
I'm sure snags has had the necessary back/crack/sack work done before daring to comment ....
Snags, love your avatar, if ever anyone should have landed in the water it was Inverdale!
Don't know, fell asleep as soon as it started
[i] I'm sure snags has had the necessary back/crack/sack work done before daring to comment .... [i]
Oh dear, why did I comment. Pass the smelling salts please.
I remember Inverdale saying 'next up we have the Atlas Stones' when commenting on Worlds Strongest Man, as he sat legs akimbo with his shorts showing his atlas stones to the world!
why do you ask, dee, surely they weren't showing their bits? not all ladies are profusely hairy in that department!
Are the Brazilian ladies taking part then?
I noticed one or two looked pretty clean around those parts Dee Sa. I supposed they would have to considering how high cut those swimsuits were and those scissor like exercises they had to do. Lol @snags burst matress.

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