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Trial by Facebook?

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2sp_ | 23:17 Fri 10th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Just having a wee wander through Facebook and came across a page called RIP Tia Sharp.

Now, I have no comment to make on how tasteful this sort of page is, but what bothered me was the huge amount of death treats being made against the Grandmother's partner.

I know he has been arrested, and the police are questioning him, but I feel very uncomfortable that a large section of society have already decided that he is guilty.

Yes, his disappearance does nothing to help. Yes, he is an unfortunate looking chap. But none of us know what is going on in that police interview. I keep remembering the landlord of Joanne Keats (forgive me if I've got her name wrong) who was persecuted through the media and internet, and he was innocent.


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eyethankyou - reference kneejerks, I don't believe we actually know that it was his "niece" as yet?
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I only came across the page because a friend had "liked" it. I honestly didn't expect that level of vitriol as it's not the sort of thing I usually would look at on FB.
This is what happens:

RIP Scott Bradley. Shame on your accusers.
Yet more confirmation that I am right to shun both Facebook and Twitter.
Is that the fault of the
justice system or the accusers?

I have severe reservations about giving new identities to ther ilk, especially Maxine Carr.
What has Maxine Carr got to do with things?
1: Duncer,

Yes, I'm well aware of the fact that the body has not yet been identified, and that is why I used the words "probable murder". The reason I used those words is because the (CIO) Chief Investigating Officer arrived at the scene earlier and declared it no longer a missing person's enquiry but a murder hunt.
Now, far be it from me to pre-empt anything, but I'd eat my small size hat if it isn't the missing girl who has (allegedly) been murdered.

2: Mick-Talbot,

First of all, get a life, mate, digging up two year old posts cannot be very exciting, especially when their contents cannot be compared to this topic, i.e. the woman in question had already, by her own admission, been found guilty, hence my views on what her guilt deserved.

You see, in this case, not only has the body not been identified yet, as I've already stated, but no one has been found guilty of any offence - unless you know differently? No, didn't think so.
Hmmm I take your point Duncer, I've never been easy with it either but it wasn't because there might be a mistaken identity. Perhaps it should have been.
eyethankyew - I suspect it is the poor kid but, as yet, we know very little. The carefully chosen language of the police lead me to have reservations about this case. I suspected that the poor girl had been killed by her junkie/drug-dealing step-father/step-grandfather a few days ago but, as with all things, evidence is required.

Ummm - Maxine Carr was introduced in reference to hc4361's post about the poor sod who was wrongly accused and ended up commiting suicide
Wow Mick-Talbot....I`m impressed.
Gness, I think I would rather face the 'Answerbank Kangaroo Court'

than the

'Hang them high eyethenkyew court'
Me too and how the heck did you make the sea-change connection?
I've just read that the grandmother has been arrested on suspicion of murder and the partner arrested on a related charge, what the hell can have happened for a grandmother to murder a grandaughter, that is incredibly shocking!

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