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A Kindle question

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craft1948 | 16:43 Fri 27th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
My friend thinks that you can loan books you've bought to other people with Kindles, but I can't see how you can do this.
If this is true can someone tell me how it works please?


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Thanks for this, we didn't know this either and it's made my OH very happy to find out.
that's usa though chuck
I know you can register members of your family on your kindle,I think it may be three but I'm not sure. My daughter registered me when I first got my Kindle and when she downloads books she downloads them to my kindle when I am at her house,(because I don't have wi-fi) it takes literally seconds. I like this because if we are reading the same book we can have a good discussion about it too. - rosy
You van loan a book once and only for 14 days.

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