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That Paintintg again

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Rickpad | 11:43 Sat 04th Jun 2011 | Arts & Literature
16 Answers
I'm making a right mess of this. Anyway I think I've got it right this time. I put that picture on my profile that I'm trying to find details on. Might make things easier I hope.



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Hi, no need to post a new thread about this, just put it as a reply to your existing thread otherwise people will have no idea what this is about.
Question Author
Hi there - thanks, gotcha. I think.
I just don't recognise it at all, I've never seen it before.
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I know, that's the trouble. No one seems to have seen it before. It's a tough'un.
no faint signature lurking at the bottom of the print....?
Question Author
There is a very faint signature but it's hardly readable. I think it begins the the inital E and then looks like it could be Turping or something but it's hard to see.
I'm still looking but having no luck. The woman looks Welsh to me for some reason (which is probably utter garbage!)
Rickpad - where exactly did you find the picture to enable you to put it on your profile and place it as your avatar?
Where did you come across the Painting initially ? Was it in an Art Gallery or on the Internet. ?
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Neither. My Mother's had it hung on her wall for about 50 years.
Your painting is annoying me. I keep going back to it and I can find nothing. I don't know anything about art but I like a challenge.
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Hi Wolf, I know how annoying it is. It's been doing my head in for as long as I can remeber.
Have you tried your local auction house or art dealers.
Question Author
Havent tried local auctions yet. That was going to be my next move if I cant get any joy here.
Rickpad - have found this information. I do hope that you come back to AB and see this post. :-)



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