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Do you wait up.....

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fredkins | 02:22 Thu 28th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Do you wait up for your kids to come home whatever the time or am I the only only one.


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I knew an American guy and there were 7 brothers and their "mom" used to be in bed listening for their homecoming at night and though none of them spoke and tried to make as little noise at possible she would shout out "is that you Bob" or whoever she thought it was and apparently she was never wrong and never slept till they were all home safe & sound.
Yes, but that's only because she's 7 and can't see the lock in the door in the dark.

(Im kidding)
B00, you're going soft.

I used to but the latest was between 11pm - midnight. Now they are young adults I don't, Mr Alba does tho. About time too, He missed out on night-feeds.
I know alba, but the neighbours used to complain about a crying child at 3am on the doorstep, something about it disturbing their sleep.
ok, to answer seriously- No, I didn't wait up for Elder Mini Boo when she still lived here.
Not if they're old enough to go out of an evening. Would worry in the day if they were younger and were even an hour later than expected. Might be easier now that every child seems to have a mobile.

May be instinctive. We had a spaniel bitch who'd give any of her daughters a row, if the youngster came in to the house much later than the others. It was exactly as though she was saying "Where the hell have you been? Your sisters were in an hour ago!"
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Things have changed so much,we used to go out at 7pm and come in at 11.30 last bus home, not now they go out at 10pm and don't come in until 4/5am.Think I'll knock this on the head, I need my beauty sleep ha ha.

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