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Erectile Dysfunction Advert.

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Abdulmajid | 01:54 Sat 26th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Now I have nothing against old folk getting jiggy wiggy, but I am slightly uneasy about the advert for 40+ men which shows a slightly portly and creepy man taking his wife in the kitchen where she inadvertently plops her bum on the food blender.

Has anybody seen this?


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And bearing in mind my new job (concerns the exact oppersite of gynacology_ you could be on a losing argument.
erm yes

cant say I'd do him

but im over forty

and still doin it

im not dead yet


Bb xx
dont think there would be much concern if wardy accidently fell head first into a mulch blender lmao
Do you wanna borrow some of my viagra
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i still blend food


but I'd rather keep quiet about it

obviously im talkin about IT


i know you do

Bb xx
Does anyone know the music that is being played in the background of this advert?
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Erectile Dysfunction Advert.

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