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john1066 | 20:28 Sun 20th May 2012 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
There are birds nesting in my garden.How can I keep a cat away.apart from poison?


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You can't.
How can you even consider poisoning someone's cat?
Question Author
Hi Daffy..I suppose poisoning is a bit drastic.. Probably shooting would be a better option x
Not funny.
John. I bought an ultrasonic cat deterrent. It works for most, but not all cats.
Would spraying your own human urine around your garden stop them or does this only work with animals?

Can humans mark their areas in this way?
There are various devices that you can buy to deter the cats. None of them seem to work very well.

Your best bet is to lie in wait for the cat(s) and drench them with water from a garden hose or a huge water pistol thing.

My money is on the cat winning the war!
It's not a war, it's pure carnage !

Good luck in keeping them away john.

This works a treat. I have three scattered about my garden and not a cat in sight.

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