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Jaycee47 | 20:07 Thu 10th May 2012 | Crosswords
7 Answers
Last one that I don't understand at all. 28a Man from Tallinn's missing son - he's at top school = Etonian. ( I understand the top school bit but not the rest)


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Tallinn is in Estonia, therefore Estonian minus the S = Etonian.
20:09 Thu 10th May 2012
Tallinn is in Estonia, therefore Estonian minus the S = Etonian.
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Many thanks both especialy to Infomaniac for "info". Geography not my strong point.
i didn't either, and took an age to finish this today.
Its a pleasure to help :o)
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Nice to know I'm not alone in finding it hard.
happens sometimes, some of the clues were rather odd, obscure even

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