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divegirl | 18:59 Wed 11th Apr 2012 | Body & Soul
24 Answers
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say a big thank you for all of your support and kind words over the last few months.
I went for my six week check up today and all is good [though the colour pictures were a touch yuck!!!] I have been signed off by my consultant who said I was to never darken his door again!
I should tell you all now that I had to have some chest x-rays and blood tests done as I have had a lot of trouble breathing since the op but all that has come back clear as well. Looks like the breathing is just a side effect of stopping smoking..........

So while I'm on the subject, I ma still smoke free and have been for 8 weeks now!

So thank you all...each and every one of you helped more than you will ever know.
Much love

Lisa x


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Great news Lisa xxx
Excellent news - well done!
Don't know the background Lisa, but sounds as if you are really on the up and up. Well done for 8 weeks off the weed. Best wishes x
Well done Lisa. Stopping smoking is the best thing you can do for your body.

Keep up the good work. X

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