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Is there anything you wouldn't try (food-wise?)

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mrs.chappie | 20:14 Sat 17th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Had a meal at The Fat Duck this week, tried everything that was put before me, except the snail porridge and blood pudding. The snail porridge was bright green, had snails on the top, and it made me feel a bit sick, even just looking at it.

OH ate his and mine too....said it was lovely. Would you have eaten it?


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Ugh - think I will leave you for a while, my jacket spud is ready, glad it isn't green .........
I would have tried the snail porridge.

I would have asked for the blood pudding if I saw it on the menu, it's lovely.
was the chippy shut?
Too tickle stomached for your own good; obviously never been hungry! LOL
I would have had a taste. Normally I like snails, especially in garlic.
Never tried snails, would give them a go, tried frogs legs very nice, and some small bird, think sparrow like in italy
not a chance sounds disgusting
nope, never have done, never will do.
not in a million years..i wouldnt have even sniffed it to see what it smelled like...urgghhhhh
I'd pay a fortune NOT to eat any of that. Please may I have a Jam Sandwich instead. Oh and a slice of mature cheddar.
I have been and I ate it. I have never liked snails but I was determined to try it. It was surprisingly lovely!
Sorry, but snail porridge is just plain wrong. I don't care who's restaurant it is.
I would have....

As to the snot:

Don't Kiss Your Honey
When Your Nose is Runny
You May Think It's Funny
But It Snot
Tripe. Yuk ..
Often wondered how it came about that some of these odd food stuffs came to be eaten .snails ,frog legs .I suppose some unfortunate actually died in the persuit of stretching the bound of food exploration .
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Thanks for replies, peeps. x

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Is there anything you wouldn't try (food-wise?)

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