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Is it ok to have a headache and going red when doing fast exercise..................

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lilacben | 17:37 Thu 01st Mar 2012 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
I have started going to Zumba once a week with my daughter but when we have finished I am bright red and get a headache.?


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It could be that IF you are not too used to vigorous excercise,.then this is how the body reacts.I am no expert...but have heard such stories from friends....but its due to their low level of excercise....
i don't know, but one thing i do know is that zumba is EVIL
Watching it gives me a headache
The headache could be due to dehydration (or something jarring in your neck). Going red could be a lack of fitness or overbreathing.
This could be due to unaccustomed exercise and should regress over a period of a couple of weeks. However, if there is NO sign of improvement in the next few days, then stop exercising, see your GP and suggest BP check as suggested by Aynhoe, but of more importance (in my opinion) tests of thyroid function.
I always look red and blotchy after exercise, it's never really bothered me. I just drink loads during and after exercise and eventually I go back to my normal blue colouring.
Take it easier and build up to maximum effort as you get fitter. Don't run before you can walk, sort of thing.

Or start off with an easier exercise regime. Up, hold it, one... two... three...
Now down, hold it, one... two.... three...
Now the other eyelid.
I like to think I'm fairly fit have always done a lot of exercise and I always still go red in the face
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Thankyou all for your replies. Sqad I do have thyroid trouble, underactive. But also not very fit. My husband and I have also started ballroom dancing lessons, to try and get fitter. I do get very hot doing thatbut no headache. I always take a bottle of water with me to zumba and drink between dances. I also try to keep up but realise I am a lot older than the girl teaching so take it a bit slower or leave some out.
bednobs you made me laugh. lol
Well, before you continue dancing or whatever it is........get your T3 T4 and TSH done.
I am 68 and started zumba 5 weeks ago, I always feel marvellous after it, although knees ache a bit, I have also lost 5 kilos (11 lbs), I certainly get nbo ill effects and I do have high blood pressure (controlled with pills)
....and I also have an underactive thyroid which is controlled by pills.
I get it with spin class (never ever again)
Massive pressure behind my ears and the worst sick feeling!!!

Zumba im fine!! I read that 90%ish of folk are dehydrated begore going to classes or gym so remember to drink before aswell as when exercising :0)

Thing with zumba is to keep moving! Enjoy xxx
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Hi all thought I would just give you an update after zumba this morning. I went bright red, which is ok. And when we finished I was on the verge of a headache again. My daughter asked if they had a blood pressure machine there that could take my blood pressure. This is a sports center so they do have one. Anyone had my blood pressure taken twice and it was ok then had it taken a third time which was a little higher. But he said it was ok and that he would let me go into the gym even then. So all well. However he did say I should drink two pints of water the night before as well as on the morning. And drink 2 litres throughout the day.everyday. Thankyou everyone.
What's zumba?
I wouldn't worry I don't have high blood pressure and I am always a big red sweaty mess by the time I finish my Zumba class.. Although I go to 2 different ones and one is always much more energetic than the other...

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Is it ok to have a headache and going red when doing fast exercise..................

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