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Randell & Vickers

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TWR | 20:13 Mon 27th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Had a letter from these people this morning, had a look through & it seems the can get you your extra monies that you may have been paying Re/Poll tax, "banding" I went into a review about their site & services, advised to steer clear as you can end up paying more not less, Google the name & have a look, do not be tempted to fill up the form & send it back before looking people.


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I recieved one too TWR.The only people who will benefit will be those twisting pieces of vile scum not the unfortunate gullible people will once again become victims, as they always are.

If its not the establishment who are trying to screw us it will be these immoral unscrupulious bastards.
20:31 Mon 27th Feb 2012
Think your letter got delayed in the post, poll tax was abolished in 1993.
-- answer removed --
steve.5 you should be the next prime minister, your outlook is the same as most of us.

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