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The sun has got his hat on ..................

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Ann | 12:48 Thu 23rd Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
Hip hip hip hooray! Bit sunnyish here in East Midlands. Good temps too, making the most of it as it's going to be short-lived! What's it like with you?


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Apologies Ann, hope you don't mind this xxx

Yes I think she is Lottie, and I do understand to a certain extent, but we've all told her till we're blue in the face she HAS to move more. Her legs and ankles have now swollen to resembles elephants feet due to lack of movement. I'm going on tomorrow, to yet again nag her about all this. I'm beginning to dread going to be honest.
Sorry to hear that B00bies... you still getting to see the little fella though?

<waves to LL also>
Keep us updated BOO.

Waves back at China. x
No, i haven't seen him for about 4/5 weeks now. As I said his dad has him now, but obviously with him working, he (Lucas) also spends alot of time with his other grandparents, who i don't know, haven't met etc.

Any scope for 'cruel to be kind' type parenting... refusing to help on some of the smaller things so she has to be mobile? Or is that likely to make her worse?
Oh dear :o(
is this the former Teen B00? I remember she had some problem - sounds as if theyr'e at least investigating now? Doesn't sound like it's the sort of thing where you know what to do without a proper diagnosis.
I've stopped going on as much, I was there 4/5 a week at the start, i've now knocked it down to 1/2 as a) I think she got too dependent on mum (me!) fetching and carrying for her, and b) we now just argue more, as I'm getting increasingly angry at her lack of improvement and her seemingly unwillingness to help herself.

(I'd make a crap nurse!)
sorry Jno, yes it is.
Agree with jno really, but it's worrying that the lack of movement is causing problems. She needs at the very least to try to do some leg exercises whilst sitting, e.g. rotating her feet. Poor girl. Hope it gets sorted quickly.
Oh shame... not good. Maybe she'll get a physio referral once you know more who can get her moving about in a structured way :c)
Tell me about it Lottie! Everyone from Physio downwards has told her she simply HAS to keep moving her joints as much as possible, but it's like talking to a wall...
I have to say if I had some grotesque mystery ailment I'd probably be a bit wary of running around until I knew it was safe. Everyone knows what to do for colds, but elephant ankles are something else.
oh, okay, didn't realise she'd been told to keep moving. Would frequent application of a cattle prod help?
lol jno :P

Apologies once again Anne. Didn't mean to ramble on, but once i started venting I found I couldn't stop!
I think Tasers immobilise you, which doesn't seem to be the problem on the whole

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The sun has got his hat on ..................

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