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pub quiz

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slinky.kate | 00:05 Sat 04th Feb 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
went to my first pub quiz last night ,and guess what?
we came in

but i enjoyed it and want to go back next week.


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Most of the ones round here have been killed by people googling on their iphones. Shame really, as I used to enjoy a good pub quiz.
That's the fault of the quizmaster, then. Every pub quiz I attend costs money to enter and, before the first question, the QM makes it abundantly clear that any team caught googling will be instantly disqualified and their entrance fee not refunded.
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son had his phone .but would;nt google.i just enjoyed my night out

I agree, I haven't been involved in a pub quiz for sometime. Too many people going outside for a few minutes. Bit like this site and crosswords isn't it?
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it only cost £1 each in the local pub,4 teams.but it was a laugh
Trouble is with ours Mark, they nip off to the toilets to do it.

One quizmaster had a way round it by asking something so obscure like "how many people competed in the 2008 London Marathon?". Anyone who got it spot on was disquailfied but people got wise to it.
You took part and enjoyed it Kate, that is what is important.
It's one of the reasons why I hardly ever do pub "random" pub quizzes any more. All the ones I attend, apart from the disqualification rule, work on a round by round basis with breaks between the rounds, but each round is asked and marked straightaway, so such cheating is effectively eradicated. It's the only way to do it these days...
Been a member for about six months and in late December we had a ruby from our ill-gotten gains. Winning isn't everything, but it nearly is! No, I love it, perhaps I'm just a big show-off. Coming last, there's only one direction to go, good luck.
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we won the booby prize
'a packet of jelly babies' ha ha ha
I love my local pub quiz. The only complaint I have is that they have too many popular culture questions. It`s the taking part that is fun though, not the winning (although that would be nice). Our quizmaster does the quiz straight off without any pauses for people to cheat.
Most of the pubs round here that have quizzes do not have an entry charge and the prizes are fairly small. I would not go any pub quiz that had an entry charge.
20 teams in a pub quiz were asked "Give an alternative name for the Dogstar". 19 answered "Sirius". The (by then drunk team) answered "Pluto". The drunks won it.

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