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hello this is fred

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DrFilth | 08:01 Thu 17th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
who needs an answering machine with me in the house
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When I saw the "Hello this is Fred" title in the latest posts box I thought Fred had returned.
09:52 Thu 17th Nov 2011
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try this link
my cat did that sometimes, must be the noise they don't like
I'll never understand peoples fascination with moggies :-/
i do, they don't answer back like some people.
Cats are brilliant!

I'll never understand people's fascination with dogs missnemesis.
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>> cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this <<
DF, quite right.
At one point my sis had 7 of the buqqers, what's that all about? I'm definitely a dog person but each to their own and all that.

I did have a sneaky peek at the picture's of Boo's new princess though but shhhh don't tell anyone.
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>> "You can keep a dog; but it is the cat who keeps people, because cats find humans useful domestic animals."
- George Mikes <<
When I saw the "Hello this is Fred" title in the latest posts box I thought Fred had returned.
i hate cats
Maybe that's it DrF I have an aversion to being 'owned', especially by something that thinks I should sit on the floor while it gets the comfiest seat in the house. That will be right!
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prezzie tip for cats this xmas
I quite like both, we have two large and very dependant Dobies who wouldn't last 5 minutes without us, and a tabby cat who wanders in every so often to to make sure we are keeping a bed for him should he happen to fancy a night 'off' the tiles.

But, which is best??????????
Ugh - can't bear the thought of a cat walking on my bed!
try sleeping with one ann, its not fun
We had an adopted cat, you never choose a cat they choose you. Marmi was a big fat ginger and white tom who was absoloutley hilarious, sadly now gone to the great litter box in the sky :( all ways had cats and miss not having ets, but a toddlers enough to deal with lol

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