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Embarrassing bodies

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TWR | 20:52 Wed 09th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Would you show your "bits" like the people on this program?


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No chance, well, no until at least June anyway, up till then my thermals are firmly stapled into place.
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You must be joking, its not that cold?
I live in Lancs, and not only that- the arse end of lancs, of course its that cold!
No way!! I never understand why the people on the show do it! If you're too nervous to go to the doctor about something, why go on national tv and do it instead?!
Oh dear - I'm in Burnley this weekend and was hoping for some sun to top up my tan :=(
Get them out on the telly?

No way!
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Im in Lancs also Boo, what part?
oh ewww, why would you go to Burnley? Nowt there! Mind you, if you could pop to my dads and say hello to him for me, i'd be grateful, saves me making a phonecall- ta muchly.
Rossendale TWR, you?
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Ribble Valley.
'Reading Group Weekend Away' - I suggested Spain - they voted for .... Burnley :=O
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I was supporting a person with L.D.over there, the poor lad died 2 years ago, really cut me up that.
How much do I get paid for doing this? I would show my bits to folks here on the AnswerBank as this is all in the name of education, right?
lmao Dave, you drew the short straw didn't you? Mind you, Burnley's a bit like Spain, if you're bladdered, squint alot and view it from 5 miles away....possibly.

Oooo we're neighbours TWR, i'll wave to you from my doorstep when im having my fag in a bit, be sure to wave back, or i'll be hurt.

And apologies for taking your post in a totally different direction!
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Does not bother me Boo, I take it as it comes, I've learned that on here??
Not every case obviously, but people who appear bypass NHS waiting lists cos things that need doing get paid for - maybe that's why they do it.
God no, the world is not equipped to deal with that.
Only if I was built like Johnny Bravo with tackle to match!

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Embarrassing bodies

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