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do our site mods communicate with each other ?

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anneasquith | 12:59 Wed 09th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
67 Answers
eg. by email , txt , telephone , TIA.


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I thought that was the reason for having so many most hours will be covered.
anne - joking apart, Ed's made it clear in the past that he's not prepared to discuss stuff like this. If we knew who was modding at any time, people who know that person might take advantage. Who would want to do the night shift, particularly as it's a voluntary job (or so I understand)?
Early morning nudge-scuffling......a terrible thing for the night-shift Mods to have to deal with.
Better than what early shift nurses have to deal with....
Jack - mwhaha!
don't you believe it rowan, we still have to release the patients and shovel SH**!
oh, maybe I could volunteer to be a 2am-4am mod as I often seem to be awake about that time. Do they pay triple time for nights?

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do our site mods communicate with each other ?

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