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What gets you laughing on this site?

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TWR | 12:57 Mon 07th Nov 2011 | ChatterBank
77 Answers
Is it the humor, knowing a regular banned person getting banned again?


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Shouldn't have left it in the rain.....
What get's me laughing? - Moonie's attempts at enticing the women into his sheep pen.
What makes me laugh even more? - ttfn telling old sheep dip to buzz off.
What do I like about this site - Abers looking after other ABers when they are troubled - that makes me smile :-))))
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permanent hair dye doesn't work without a pre bleach to weaken the hair shaft
Helen - dare i say prove it?
Collar, Cuffs and trunk ;)
lol rowan, that's fantastic
manjy bukker censored me!
you are welcome....
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anybody is welcome to polish my ginger ....
some of the trolls names are amusing

rolling threads like the Ratter furniture one or B00s rat - and good witticisms. The occasional cracker of a joke.

We could do with a couple of more mad loons like Molly around though, there are one or two promising ones developing.
I like what comes outta JJ's gob. :0)

Sara's lovely pert bum :0)

Crafty trying to play hard to get, when i know she's under my spell.

Doc's dreadful.... ermm, I mean wonderful singing and strumming

Boo Boo, jack and her hat, CD and yummmy's wit and brilliant retorts ( there are sooooo many others too that i enjoy seeing their answers and comments )

Triggs's love triangle with boobi's and fluffpot.

Happy Birthday threads, just to annoy Dr Sqad of Menorca.

Wendilla's space station and ufo sightings.

McMouse's jokes :0)

and all the lovely ladies of AB of course....grrrrr....howlllll and.......a woof :0)xxxxx
I just love Yogi so much.

Ditto, my little bundle of fun :0) xx

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