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Flattery will get you ...... ?

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naomi24 | 12:52 Tue 27th Sep 2011 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
In Tesco, I happened to tell the checkout girl - aged about 16 or 17 - how good her false eyelashes looked. This conversation developed into make-up, boyfriends, etc, etc. (There was no one waiting to be served, I hasten to add).

At the end of the chat, she said "You're lovely, but I bet you were really beautiful - when you were younger".

Gee, thanks! :o/

It made me chuckle anyway. :o)


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Ohhhh dear, poor girl,,lol
but she seemed nice anyhow..LOL
Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings...
I'd go to ASDA from now ..

a pregnant lady stopped me the other day to ask me where i got my top from as it looked lovely. I told her where and she said "oooh i must go there, i didnt realise they did maternity"

Question Author
Oh red!!!! That's awful!

I once bumped into a friend I hadn't seen for ages, and said 'Oh, you're pregnant!!! That's fantastic!'

'No', she said. 'I'm just fat'.

There wasn't a lot I could say really. :o(
From a new work colleague "You've got cracking legs for an older bird" I gazed at him he turned to stone.
damned with faint praise, well at least you got served..x
i have had comments like that too, most unrepeatable on AB
'Funny how often fat birds have nice hair,,,' the body will never be discovered... Epping Forest is a large place
Like it Rowan!
I was told i had nice hair, this from a geriatric, can't walk far, see even less, 90 + year old man, he's lovely really. That's not all he said, but let's not go there.
I was also told once i was a good dancer for a fat bird, good thing i'd had too much to drink, otherwise he would have ended up with RW's friend x
I'm not a large person but a customer at work once asked me if I was pregnant I replied that I wasn't and he said "Oh it must just be the way you stand" I didn't know what to say to that!
My mum thinks my OH has beautiful feet. Well compared to her gnarled old arthritic feet everyone has!
Looooool :-) x
I once said to an old friend that I hadn't seen for a while...
"Congratulations, when is it due?"
The look she gave me would have turned Medusa to stone.
I've done that as well :-0

Awkward moment.....
I was sat in Morrisons cafe quite a few years back and an older gentlemen started chatting away to me. He asked me when the diet was starting as no man wanted to walk down the aisle with a fat bird on his arm. Mortified! I was all of a size 12/14 max at the time.

I also had a girl who ID'd me in Tesco remark I was thinner in my ID photo. I later "forgot" to go back and let them know they hadn't scanned a bottle of wine I'd bought. Cheers Tesco!
Where women are concerned flattery gets you eveywhere

.......and if that doesn't work just lie!

Tell them what they want to hear and you can't go far wrong

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Flattery will get you ...... ?

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